Testing and Assessment FAQs
What tests are required as part of the program?
Attendance is mandatory at all LAVCA testing events. Parents must ensure that students participate in all required state and school testing. This testing includes but is not limited to the Readiness and Interims, as well as all, Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP), DIBELS, LEAP 2025, ACT Series and End Of Course testing. DRC Portal will be used for Online Training and practice test for Leap 2025 grades 3–8 and HS Leap 2025 for required students. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from all testing, regardless of distance.
Students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade are required to complete the DIBELS reading assessment at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. Any student who does not Meet or Exceed the benchmark standard on DIBELS will fall subject to the required instructional sessions each week. Students will be notified by email messages, weekly newsletter, and phone of the DIBELS testing dates and times throughout the year by the homeroom teacher. Students are allowed to reschedule once during each of the testing windows.
Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP)
This Kindergarten screening is required for all students. Testing will be done face to face throughout the state by LAVCA staff. Testing will be done within the month of school.
All K–12 Students will take benchmarking tests throughout the year. The results of these and all other assessments will allow parents and teachers to work together in developing the best academic path for students. Students are also expected to work in this program on a daily basis in order to both strengthen and build skills. Teachers will use NWEA Map Assessment three (3) times throughout the school years for grades K–11 to measure their student’s progress as it relates to the benchmark goals. These benchmarks are not optional.
How is student progress assessed?
The Louisiana Virtual Charter Academy K–8 program is a mastery-based program, which means students master concepts and lessons before moving on to the next lesson. Following NCLB and state guidelines, students are expected to make at least a year’s growth in a year’s time. Teachers will assess mastery and provide feedback to students and families.